Intensive Theory Test Course


This course includes 15 pre-recorded videos from our theory test classes. Each class lasts for about 30+ minutes. There is a class for every theory test topic, and a video to help with hazard perception. Each class includes a 10-question mock test, so you can check your learning for the topic.

Students have access to this Intensive Theory Test Course for 7-days, so should aim to cover two topics per day.

Sold By: Annie Winterburn


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This course is made up of our 14 recorded Theory Test Classes and a Hazard Perception video. Each lesson has:

  • 30+ minute video covering the theory topic in detail
  • Topic 10-question mock test

You have 1-week to go over the whole course, so aim to watch 2-lessons per day and practice all the questions in that topic.

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to prepare to pass their theory test over a short period of time.